Rowan Bailey
23rd August 2024
Aurora Pedanios 29/1 | Sourdough 29%
We may be a little late to the Sourdough party so to speak, but we're glad we tried it.
This potent strain delivers brilliantly for my pain management whilst being an incredibly smooth vape, something I hadn't anticipated. Beyond that it's unique flavour and well cured flower has got an overly positive reaction from me, but let's jump into the details and see what she looks like under the microscope!
Any experiences/ benefits described below are my own, and by no means should be taken as medical benefits / claims. This strain has been prescribed by my doctor for my specific condition and needs. It is important to talk to your Dr about your specific needs and see if they have other patients similar to you who have benefited from this strain or others. This post is purely meant as a useful reference for you to then do further research from. My tolerance, condition and experience will be greatly different to some.

Table of Content
- Introduction
- Main review
- Initial observation upon opening (nug shape/ density/ cure and shake content)
- Any improvement after storage change and curing?
- Aurora Sourdough effects
- Splitting the nug & under the scope
- How does it grind?
- Batch number
- Throat issues like scratching or allergies?
- Side effects or issues?
- Overall impression

Meet the reviewer
Rowan is one of the founders of Infinity CBD and Pembrokeshire CBD Centre. Having worked in the CBD/ Cannabis industry for over five years, he has extensive knowledge of the supply chain issues, compliance and other fun things you have to contend with from the corporate side of all of this. However, having also been a patient for 3+ years he has also seen first hand of the ups and downs of the patient experience, quality woes and what to generally expect.
These medical cannabis reviews are presented to try and form a balanced and honest opinion relating to his experience and understanding of the limitations the clinics/ pharmacies and producers face with trying to navigate compliance standards that compete with perceived quality of some products.
Everyone is different, and Rowan is prescribed for specific conditions and is provided these prescription legally by a Dr who has been working alongside him to find the best treatments. This means that any perceived benefits expressed in his article are purely anecdotal and related to his experience and may not reflect yours and certainly in no way mean to boast any medical claims about the use of these treatments outside of what he has personally experienced.
“Medical cannabis has given me back control and vast improvement in terms of my quality of life day to day. Although I still struggle with my symptoms, this has enabled me to still be present and functional on the worse days, and given the peace of mind that knowings it's there if I need it on the better ones.”
- Rowan Bailey
Aurora Pedanios 29/1 Sourdough Medical Cannabis Strain
Here we are with another medical cannabis review discussing one of more potent strains that has gained a lot of popularity due to it being canadian grown and boasting 29% THC. The thing is THC % isn't everything, so we wanted to see this for ourselves and see if it would be helpful for our needs.
This is prescribed for a range of reasons and is presented as an Indica dominant strain in terms of effects, something that has matched my experience. This strain achieves results at a lower dose for me which is brilliant. If I were to stick to the way I fill the chamber of my Venty for other strains, it would be too strong for me in the day time.
For a little context of the prescribing of this strain for myself. I was using the Curaleaf LA Kush Cake consistently for a while. I found this an effective strain for my needs, however at times it could be a little harsh. So ordered this as an alternative strain to see if I could be more efficient with my usage and reduce the amount required to vape over all.
For me it has certainly done a great job at matching the relief that the LA Kush Cake provided for me so seems like a good choice as an alternative for sure. If anything it goes a lot further despite only being an extra few % stronger.
If I had to pick between the two it would be a difficult choice as they both have their pros and cons and it's still relatively early days for the Aurora Sourdough for me, but it would be leaning slightly towards this.
Below i'll jump into this in a little more detail, talking through cure packaging, effects and an inspection of the trichomes under our microscope!
As always, if anyone has had this strain tested, or has sample COA that you think would be useful to attach here, please feel free to reach out and we’d be happy to showcase it here, along with any relevant reference back to you, and a cheeky gift card for our site as a thanks!

Main Review
Thanks for stopping by and checking out my review of the Aurora Pedanios 29|1 Sourdough medical cannabis strain. This was sourced legally via prescription to myself with chronic pain being the primary condition this is used for. I hope my feedback here is useful for you to make an informed choice on future prescriptions, or to avoid it depending on your needs. I always welcome feedback in terms of other specific points I could cover in these reviews.
The way this strain is being discussed is with relation to a chronic pain prescription relating to nerve pain and severe headaches, though it has also proven helpful beyond these treatments.

The Best Dry Herb Vaporisers for Medical Cannabis in the UK: Our Picks
the best dry herb vaporisers for medical cannabis uk
What's the best dry herb vaporiser for UK medical cannabis? This is a tough question to answer, especially with so many choices ranging from £25 up to £500+!
We break down our top picks for medical cannabis dry herb vaporisers for UK medical cannabis to help you make the right choice first time!
As always if you need any help with medical cannabis supplies, finding out if your eligible or anything CBD related, let us know!
Device/ Setup
Ok so we’ve taken your feedback and updated some of the fields and points of interest in our reviews. I will now include the setup I have tested this strain with and preferences for it as a result:
Main device: Storz and Bickel Venty
Secondary Devices: Storz and Bickel Volcano Hybrid , Pax Plus & Dynvap M.
With a name like Sourdough I didn't know what to expect flavour wise. However as soon as I vaped it I knew what they meant. It's an incredibly smooth tone that certainly rears it's head on the savoury side of things but not in an overpowering way. Can't say Sourdough is a flavour i'd ever think to opt for pairing with cannabis, however it presents incredibly well.
As such my expectations through the Venty Vape were the classic smooth but flavourful hits I had experienced with the Tokoloshe Sherbet and I wasn't disappointed.
The cure on this strain is pretty good with a little room for improvement. I was concerned about it being overly dry particulary with the large nugs teceived but this wasn't the case though it can be easy to over grind this with the classic orange S&B grinder. I didn't feel the need to immediately place a Boveda Pack in, though i'm sure it could have only helped bring out the notes even more.
The Sourdough grinds really well as a result leaving a nice fluffy outcome ideal for packing a dry herb vaporizer efficiently.
Initial observation upon opening (nug shape/ density/ cure and shake content):
Back to tubs! I've been used to the mylar bags which makes things a little easier when packing away in a laptop bag but to be honest there's nothing wrong with these tubs.
Terpene preservation is there, though at first it wasn't bursting. Though upon grind it was brought to life.
2 of the nugs in my pot were easily 60-70% of the total weight and visually trimmed quite well.
Onto the flower!
Aurora has been hopping back and forth between EU and Canadian grown. I was being prescribed one of their products when they first changed to the EU and the difference was notable (Not in a good way). So when returning to Aurora after a break I was a little hesitant as to what to expect but was reassured with the flower alone.
These have clearly been grown well, and the consistency and uniformity of the flower was clear. Though as most of the weight was taken up by a couple of the flowers, this was only a small test. Unfortunatley on going to request a top up it was already out of stock, which suggests its a popular strain at least!
Though it is slightly on the dry side,
overall my initial impressions were positive and only further improved in the coming days with some time to breathe in a glass UV storage jar at home.

Any improvement after storage change and curing?
My go to is to transfer my flower from the plastic tubs to UV protected glass storage (Whilst keeping original packs and labels on hand for verification and being out of the house!) as in my opinion it improves the over all tone of the terpene profile and seems to help balance the cure a little unless a strain is already well balanced. I have in some cases noticed it go too far the other way so it's a case of finding the right balance for you.
I can be prone to coughing causing severe headaches, so avoid this at all costs. So a more optimal cure has helped reduce this for me. This was particularly improved with a Boveda Pack in there to help reintroduce some of the moisture in the cure. You can buy jars that include free Boveda HERE which will get you set up nicely. Though it's worth noting any glass jar will do, though preferabbly one that blocks UV unless it's to be kept in a cupboard etc anyway! So no harm in using a cheap mason jar if you keep this in mind!
Ok so you’re never going to be able to undo what has been lost through it’s processing completely, but it does make a noticeable difference particularly to the way the flower vapes in my experience, making it less scratchy on the throat at high temps, and certainly allows the remaining terpene profile to shine a little more with the right moisture to support it.
This may sound a little strange, but have you ever seen the flower 'wiggle' in the grinder after a fresh grind? In my experience when a strain is well cured this is one of the signs as it shows the flexibility in the flower material. Dryer strains won't do this and will either crumble or simply hold their form.
Aurora's Sourdough wasn't as dry as other medical strains which was a relief, but certainly did get smoother to vape after a few days curing. Which is great for a high strength strain like this which could cause me issues with coughing typically.
Budget-Friendly Dry Herb Vaporizers Under £100: Top Picks for UK Vapers

Are you searching for the best cheap dry herb vaporizer in the UK? As a medical cannabis patient, I know how challenging it can be to find an affordable yet high-quality vaporizer. Everyone touts Tiny Mights and Mighty, but let's be honest, the prescription is expensive enough as it is and not everyone can afford to throw £300 at something like this.
Read More!Aurora Pedanios Sourdough 29% Medical Cannabis Strain Effects
Context: I’m prescribed for chronic nerve pain with severe headaches that is accompanied by nausea/ gastro issues at times. I work full time and have a young family. As such, I have to find the balance between managing pain/ symptoms, and being functional in my various responsibilities.
In turn, the split between a day time and night time strain gives me that ability to address deeper pains in the evenings where it may be more sedating, whilst using a more uplifting/ cerebral strain for day time to help get me through without any unwanted side effects. This has been key to me taking back my life and maintaining better quality of life all in.
With the above in mind, this strain being a Hybrid means it could be balanced or lean one way or another. Everyone is different afterall, and though it's a potent strain, that doesn't always mean it's a heavy hitting couch lock / indica leaning in my experience. With that said, i'm glad I first tried this in the evening!
My first vape was enjoyable, though the unique terpene profile was an experience it was a pleasant one. I anticapted coughing/ throat issues with the higher THC content, but was also relieved here with a smooth pull even when at 210c. The effects were notable with a soothing relief I last experienced with LA Kush Cake but without also feeling like i'd crossed the line into one too many coffees as I sometimes get with stronger strains.
The effects with Sourdough were prolonged and consistent and it quickly became clear it was a strain perfect for my nerve pain (Which is why I was devasted to find it out of stock immediately for my re up!)
Compared to the LA Kush Cake it managed to help with my pain and nausea significantly but as I say it didn't string me out feeling like it was a brute force solution. It has the potent pain relief with a soothing underline. This is greatly appreciated particularly on bad days where i'm having to lean on the pain management more than others. It can be frustrating on days where that means I have to balance feeling in pain with other side effects of a strain. So all in, the Sourdough was a winner.
Continued below:
5 Quick Bits about Aurora Pedanios Sourdough 29% THC

Splitting the nug:
Often once trimmed, irradiated, and transported/ stored, the trichomes on the outside can become a little lack lustre. By pinching open a nug you can release a fresher terpene profile and observe the trichrome formation a bit better. So I try and take a photo of a freshly opened nug to display this and provide as much detail about a strain as possible for you guys. We have also recently invested in a new microscope to capture photos at this stage and explore the formation in a dramatically more detailled manner.
As always, if you think of another metric/ approach that you would like us to take in these reviews, feel free to reach out and let us know!
The Aurora Pedanios Sourdough is a lovely looking flower. Trimmed and cured well and a beauty to photograph as the vibant tirchomes catch the light.
How Does It Grind?
These doesnt need a Boveda off the bat as the cure is nice compared to other dryer strains, however I did find a slight improvement on grind and throat hit after a few days with one.
It can be easy to over grind, so usually a couple of twists is enough otherwise you may find yourself replacing screens more regularly in your vape.

Batch No
For reference we usually include a batch number. Some strains have varied over time, often for the better. So we figured it's best to have a reference point for when we reviewed this for context. However in this instance it seems I forgot to photograph it before disposing of our tub.
So i'll update this once back in stock with a fresh batch!
Throat issues/ catching/ allergies?:
In the past I have had hay fever like symptoms with a scratchy throat/ runny eyes and sneezing around loading my device or vaping certain strains. After a recent brain operation, avoiding coughing is a big priority for me to help reduce pressure. So I take note whether this is an issue on my reviews incase anyone else has the same problem!
For me Aurora Pedanios Sourdough was lovely to vape out of the pot and didn't raise any allergy/ hayever type symtpoms for me. Though I did find a slight improvement after a few days in a larger jar and a boveda.
So those of you who struggle with dry herb vapes making you cough, this may be a good choice if they keep up this standard of cure.
I imagine this would only improve with a Boveda pack in a UV glass jar.

Side effects/ issues?
I haven’t observed any in particular, if you have any would like to add any info here to help others let us know!
High potency strains can effect different people differently. Regardless of tolerance some people can get headaches, or feel forehead pressure for example. I didn't experience this with this strain.
This sits on the Indica side of the spectrum for me, so if you are prone to these in any way I would recommend your first dose be in the evening or when comfortable if it does hit you hard.
It works well to balance indicas sometimes using a CBD Oil in conjunction with my dry herb vape if I need to maintain clarity in the day.

Strain Profile: Aurora Sourdough

Info from www.MedBud.wiki:
"Sourdough is cultivated according to the highest quality standards. The strain is hangdried and hand finished resulting in an exceptional product. The main terpenes limonene and ß-caryophyllene have analgesic, antiinflammatory, and anti-anxiety properties,which can have a positive effect on sleepdisorders, stress and depression."

Terpene profile:
Most commonly found terpenes:

I can't comment on consistency across batches yet as this is my first batch and it went out of stock immediately. However this has given me the opportunity to compare it to another high potency strain, GMO.
So once I receive another batch of Sourdough once back in stock i'll return here to compare and contrast things.

Overall impression
I'm walking away from this strain with an overly positive opinion.
Aurora seem to be back with a great tasting strain that works perfectly for my chronic pain needs. At £8.50 a gram it's a bargain as far as i'm concerned being so effective for me, especially when in the past I have had to pay £13+ for aurora.
Though one batch isn't enough to compare long term, it was enough to show me how great this strain is for my uses so will be keeping an eye out for this to be back in stock and to replace my LA Kush Cake.
If you would be interested in offering your own reviews/ insights on strains or the medical cannabis industry in the UK in general, we are open to collaborating. Feel free to drop us an email!

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