Rowan Bailey
January 23rd, 2024
MedCan Isando Tokoloshe Sherbet Strain UK Medical Cannabis Review
Is this the non irradiated strain you've been waiting for on the UK Medical Market?
Any experiences/ benefits described below are my own, and by no means should be taken as medical benefits. This strain has been prescribed by my doctor for my specific condition and needs. It is important to talk to your Dr about your specific needs and see if they have other patients similar to you who have benefited from this strain or others. This post is purely meant as a useful reference for you to then do further research from. My tolerance, condition and experience will be greatly different to some.

Table of Content
- Introduction
- Main review
- Initial observation upon opening (nug shape/ density/ cure and shake content)
- Any improvement after storage change and curing?
- Tokoloshe Sherbet effects
- Splitting the nug
- How does it grind?
- Batch number
- Throat issues like scratching or allergies?
- Side effects or issues?
- Overall impression

Meet the reviewer
Rowan is one of the founders of Infinity CBD and Pembrokeshire CBD Centre. Having worked in the CBD/ Cannabis industry for over five years, he has extensive knowledge of the supply chain issues, compliance and other fun things you have to contend with from the corporate side of this. However, having also been a patient for 3+ years he has also had experience first hand of the ups and downs of the patient experience, quality woes and what to generally expect.
These medical cannabis reviews are presented to try and form a balanced and honest opinion relating to his experience and understanding of the limitations the clinics/ pharmacies and producers face with trying to navigate compliance standards that compete with perceived quality of some products.
Everyone is different, and Rowan is prescribed for specific conditions and is provided these prescription legally by a Dr who has been working alongside him to find the best treatments. This means that any perceived benefits expressed in his article are purely anecdotal and related to his experience and may not reflect yours and certainly in no way mean to boast any medical claims about the use of these treatments outside of what he has personally experienced.
“Medical cannabis has given me back control and vast improvement in terms of my quality of life day to day. Although I still struggle with my symptoms, this has enabled me to still be present and functional on the worse days, and given the peace of mind that knowings it's there if I need it on the better ones.”
- Rowan Bailey
MedCan Isanda Tokoloshe Sherbet Strain Review UK
Here we are with another medical cannabis review discussing one of the current most popular non irradiated strains currently on the UK Medical Cannabis Market, MedCan Isando Tokoloshe Sherbet (19%).
This is my first non irradiated strain since becoming a patient over 3 years ago. So I jump into why that matters, what difference it’s made for me, and the usual things to expect from this strain.
For context, I’m typically prescribed a daytime ‘Sativa’ and a nighttime ‘Indica’ as my daily regime. However recently I have had some additional issues relating to an upcoming surgery that has made my pain management in the daytime a bit trickier. So this was prescribed as a strain to blend with my daytime sativa to dial in my needs a little more when High Silver isn’t providing enough pain relief. The hope is that Tokoloshe Sherbet can provide better consistent relief without being too sedative.
So join me as I jump in and break down our key points for our UK medical cannabis reviews, trying to offer the best insight for other patients.
As always, if anyone has had this strain tested, or has sample COA that you think would be useful to attach here, please feel free to reach out and we’d be happy to showcase it here, along with any relevant reference back to you, and a cheeky gift card for our site as a thanks!

Main Review
Thanks for stopping by and checking out my review of the MedCan Isando Tokoloshe Sherbet medical cannabis strain. This was sourced legally via prescription to myself with chronic pain being the primary condition this is used for. I hope my feedback here is useful for you to make an informed choice on future prescriptions, or to avoid it depending on your needs. I always welcome feedback in terms of other specific points I could cover in these reviews.The way this strain is being discussed is with relation to a chronic pain prescription, although this prescription has also been useful for gastro, and nausea symptoms that relate to my condition too.
If you’re looking for strain comparisons/ reviews to relate to BM offerings, or other older medical cannabis supply chains globally then you’re looking in the wrong place. The way this strain is being discussed is with relation to a chronic pain prescription, although this prescription has also been useful for gastro, and nausea symptoms that relate to my condition too.

The Best Dry Herb Vaporisers for Medical Cannabis in the UK: Our Picks
the best dry herb vaporisers for medical cannabis uk
What's the best dry herb vaporiser for UK medical cannabis? This is a tough question to answer, especially with so many choices ranging from £25 up to £500+!
We break down our top picks for medical cannabis dry herb vaporisers for UK medical cannabis to help you make the right choice first time!
As always if you need any help with medical cannabis supplies, finding out if your eligible or anything CBD related, let us know!
Device/ Setup
Ok so we’ve taken your feedback and updated some of the fields and points of interest in our reviews. I will now include the setup I have tested this strain with and preferences for it as a result:
Main device: Storz and Bickel Mighty OG
Secondary Devices: Storz and Bickel Volcano Hybrid & Dynvap M.
Outcome: One of the things I was intrigued about with the strain Tokoloshe Sherbet was that it’s non iradiated and as such should have better terpene preservation. When it comes to dry herb vaporisers, this is translated into flavour and as such the choice of temperature, device and setup can be crucial. To explore this I started at 175c in my Mighty and 185 for my first bag on the Volcano Hybrid. For the Dynavap you can’t dial it in as much, but I held off the heat after the initial click to keep it on the lower end. On all three counts the flavour and smooth vapour is exceptional from this strains cure and non irradiated processing.
I’d imagine it will perform well in most devices and out of my three it’s been a stable in my mighty as even at higher temps it has maintained a smooth experience whilst also allowing me the extra control at first to maximise isolating those flavours.
Initial observation upon opening (nug shape/ density/ cure and shake content):
I was expecting this to arrive in a tub having seen images online, but was pleasantly surprised when it arrived in a mylar bag.
Upon opening up I was impressed on multiple levels, visually this looks like a beautifully grown strain with a well looked after form to the nug with trichomes and pistills intact all over. You can immediately tell that this is a non irradiated strain because the smell out of the bag is beautiful. A bold fruity scent fills the nostrils with a subtle note of grape on the back end which translates well through the vapour.
Then when I went to grab a nug to look at closer I was taken back by the fact it wasn’t bone dry but actually had some sponginess to it! So the cure is also on point compared to my other previous dailies which tend to come in bone dry.
Off the bat, first impressions? Great! My selection was that of medium sized nugs, all well trimmed and little to no shake present in my bag. Though as with any product this will vary from order to order I’m sure. Nug density is there despite having more give than the bone dry flower I am used to and it translates well in the grind. I am writing this review having only had one batch so will update as I have experienced a different batch too, but first impressions here have been pretty great. Particularly when I think back to much more expensive strains I have tried in the past.

Any improvement after storage change and curing?
My go to is to transfer my flower from the plastic tubs to UV protected glass storage (Whilst keeping original packs and labels!) as it vastly improves the over all tone of the terpene profile and seems to help balance the cure a little. Particularly improved with a Boveda Pack in there to help reintroduce some of the moisture in the cure.
You’re never going to be able to undo what has been lost through it’s processing completely, but it does make a noticeable difference particularly to the way the flower vapes in my experience, making it less scratchy at high temps, and certainly allows the remaining terpene profile to shine a little more.
Now that things have changed up with the mylar bags, there isn’t as much of a need for them, however I have found the extra space vs the bags a benefit allowing the nugs to ‘breathe’ and cure a little more. Much like the Cura strain Cannatonic, after a few days in a glass jar I found the outside of the nugs starting to feel slightly more ‘crisp’ whilst breaking them open to grind exposed the perfectly cured centre. Tokoloshe sherbet really didn’t need much love, but this really did help those fruity tones pop through a little more so was worth the minimal effort.
This is the right size Boveda pack, for your standard 10g sized medical cannabis prescription, but if you are storing more than 10g you may need to adapt the size.
Unleash the Full Potential of Your Mighty Vaporiser with These Top Accessories

As a vape enthusiast, I've had my fair share of experiences with different types of vaporisers. However, there's one that has stood out to me the most: the Mighty Vaporiser. This device is a game-changer, providing users with a powerful and smooth vaping experience. But, did you know that you can enhance your Mighty Vaporiser even further with the right accessories? In this article, I'll share with you my top picks for Mighty Plus accessories, how to choose the right ones, and how to maintain them.
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MedCan Isando Tokoloshe Sherbet Strain Effects
Context: I’m prescribed for chronic pain, that is accompanied by nausea/ gastro issues. I work full time and have a young family. As such, I have to find the balance between managing pain/ symptoms, and being functional in my various responsibilities. In turn, the split between a day time and night time strain gives me that ability to address deeper pains in the evenings where it may be more sedating, whilst using a more uplifting/ cerebral strain for day time to help get me through without any unwanted side effects. Isando Tokoloshe Sherbet has been added to my regime to fill the gap between my day time and my nigh time on days where I’m experiencing higher levels of pain than my typical daytime can handle. Currently my pain levels and other things have been getting more complex, so this is is to see if I can dial in control a little more without being overly sedated in the day.
Initially I was pleasantly surprised at the flavour retention and smoothness of the vapour. For me I’m looking for management of my muscular back pains, headache/ neck issues and on the secondary side of things the management of nausea and appetite around my pain levels. I must say this has ticked the box for covering my needs on these fronts rather well, though personally there is still a sedative element in the mix. I expected this, but wanted to ensure it was manageable so that it could be used in the daytime on particularly bad days.
I quickly realised that dialling in the amount I’m using is the better balance in the day, or combining it with a little Cura Cannatonic balances the sedative side whilst still managing to keep me productive on worse days. This level of control within what I already considered a very effective regime has really opened things up for me. Sadly with an upcoming surgery, things have become more complex to handle day to day for me, and regaining any level of control can make a huge difference. So this is a big win for me.
Looking at it as a stand alone strain and I must say it’s one of my more favourable strains I’ve experienced through my medical cannabis journey. This may be an unfair comparison simply due to the fact that this has far superior terpene preservation than other strains that have been through the irradiation process. However, I’m not just basing this on looks and taste, the effects are certainly there for me and considering in the past I have spent an extra £5 per gram on other strains that were equally as effective, it’s proof that things are heading the right way here in the UK (Even if there’s still a long way to go in many ways!).
Continued below:
5 Quick Bits

Splitting the nug:
Often once irradiated and transported/ stored, the trichomes on the outside can become a little lack lustre. By pinching open a nug you can release a fresher terpene profile and observe the trichrome formation a bit better. So I try and take a photo of a freshly opened nug to display this and provide as much detail about a strain as possible for you guys. We are considering a microscope to capture photos at this stage, so keep an eye out for future updates. As always, if you think of another metric/ approach that you would like us to take in these reviews, feel free to reach out and let us know!
Well for once I’m happy to say that this time these lugs look just as incredible as they smell. So they’re not in much need of this test but it be rude not to right? Off the bat you can see the gorgeous trichomes glisten between the cascading pistills.
Splitting the nug bursts open a world of dark fruits and showcases the balanced cure this flower has experienced. Sure there is room for improvement with both terpenes and cure, but compared to regular irradiated strains? This is a game changer. See for yourself.
How Does It Grind?
These doesnt need a Boveda off the bat as the cure is nice and balanced, however if you want to help the terps sing a little louder then it can't hurt.
Unlike LA Kush Cake which can turn to dust if you’re not careful, this grinds well and is forgiving if you over do it as the cure helps it clump together perfectly. Although you’ll collect some kief with this strain, the cure certainly keeps things where they should be without over doing it resulting in clogged up screens. Overall this is a pleasure to work with in the standard orange Storz and Bickel grinder.
Other than that there isn’t a lot to say on the grind side of things, it performs well and doesn’t require changing out screens on your Dry herb vape as often. So that’s a top score for me.

Batch No
For reference we include a batch number. As mentioned above, some strains have been found to vary over time, (Thankfully mostly for the better!) so we include the batch as a reference for anyone looking. We haven’t noticed any issues with this batch that need addressing but will update it here if we get any reports.
Throat issues/ catching/ allergies?:
In the past I have had hay fever like symptoms with a scratchy throat/ runny eyes and sneezing around loading my device or vaping certain strains. So I take note whether this is an issue on my reviews incase anyone else has the same problem!
For me MedCan Isando Tokoloshe Sherbet didn’t have any of these issues. This batch arrived with a more balanced cure than I’m used to for medical, which in my opinion gives it a much smoother vaping experience. So those of you who struggle with dry herb vapes making you cough, this may be a good choice if they keep up this standard of cure.
This and the recent strain Cannatonic have shown that it is possible to have a better cure meet the strict standards imposed on our industry. So it’s promising to think that more strains will be landing with these standards.

Side effects/ issues?
This certainly has it’s sedative side, so I have found that when I’m tired it can certainly make things slower for me if I’m not careful. It works wonderfully when used in balance with CBD Oil or a CBD strain such as Cannatonic for daytime use.

Strain Profile: MedCan Tokoloshe Sherbet

Info from www.MedBud.wiki:
"Created from parent strains 'Jack of Spades' and 'Biker Kush v2', an indica-dominant hybrid strain bred by Black Flag Genetics in South Africa. Tokoloshe Sherbet has an elite, proven lineage.
The Grandparents are Jack Herer (female) and Ace of Spades (male), resulting in Jack of Spades (f). The Parents are Jack of Spades (f) and Biker Kush V2 (m), resulting in Tokoloshe Sherbet (f). The back cross was Tokoloshe Sherbet (f) and Biker Kush V2 (m), and Voila!
We arrived at Tokoloshe Sherbet BX1.Isando TS produces a balanced flower, laden with deep, rich smells as well as a sweet candy terpene profile. The flowers are frosty and dense, and they’re sweet and creamy on the nose, with sandalwood notes."

Terpene profile:
Most commonly found terpenes:

At the time of writing this I am on my first batch so can't talk personally for consistency between batches yet. However I will return and update this when I can.
Looking into the strain prior to my prescription the general feedback was pretty consistent across the board since it's first popped up. This feedback had the typicaly pros and cons you'd expect from any strain with some finding it effective for some things but not others, some being a fan of the flavour profile and others picking up different notes etc.
When I was suggested this by the Dr I was confident from what i'd seen that it was one of the better strains to try and with it being non irradiated I had to give it a go.

Overall impression
I’m not going to lie, I’m very happy with this strain. I hope it sticks around and can only imagine things will improve with time. As my first non irradiated strain from MedCan, I’m excited to see what’s to come.
I’ll be adding to this to my roster as a go between from my main Sativa and Indica for those more problematic days. Those who care about terpenes and over all aesthetics will be happy, and those who don’t understand the differences may be able to use this as a good example of what kind of impact these things can have to the final product, and ultimately the effectiveness of the medication. I’m not saying this strain is bursting with terpenes, but it’s a huge step in the right direction compared to other irradiated strains.
MedCan Isando Tokoloshe Sherbet has a huge thumbs up from me and will certainly be keeping my ear to the ground for more strains from these growers.
If you would be interested in offering your own reviews/ insights on strains or the medical cannabis industry in the UK in general, we are open to collaborating. Feel free to drop us an email!
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