Four20 Pharma BCP Black Cherry Punch Medical Cannabis Strain Review - UK

Rowan Bailey

9th September 2024 

Curaleaf Jack Herer 510 Vape Cart Review

In our opinion, carts are one of the best methods for consuming your THC prescription with ease whilst out and about, or for sudden surges/ flare ups that need immediate help. Not only that, they are amazing at microdosing THC to manage low doses as you need them. The downside? Cost and tolerance...

We'll jump into why we have a love hate relationship with these little beauties, but don't worry as a product themselves they are brilliant, it's mainly the price point that we struggle with. 


Any experiences/ benefits described below are my own, and by no means should be taken as medical benefits / claims. This strain has been prescribed by my doctor for my specific condition and needs. It is important to talk to your Dr about your specific needs and see if they have other patients similar to you who have benefited from this strain or others. This post is purely meant as a useful reference for you to then do further research from. My tolerance, condition and experience will be greatly different to some.

Curaleaf Jack Herer 510 THC Vape Cart review legal uk medical cannabis
Curaleaf Jack Herer 510 THC Vape Cart review legal uk medical cannabis

Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • Main review 
  • Initial observations
  • Getting used to Carts vs Flower
  • Jack Herer THC Cart effects
  • Let's get technical
  • How does it taste?
  • Batch number
  • Throat issues like scratching or allergies?
  • Side effects or issues?
  • Overall impression
Curaleaf Jack Herer 510 THC Vape Cart review legal uk medical cannabisCuraleaf Jack Herer Cart Review by well know Medical Cannabis Consultant UK Rowan Bailey

Meet the reviewer 

Rowan is one of the founders of Infinity CBD and Pembrokeshire CBD Centre. Having worked in the CBD/ Cannabis industry for over five years, he has extensive knowledge of the supply chain issues, compliance and other fun things you have to contend with from the corporate side of all of this. However, having also been a patient for 3+ years he has also seen first hand of the ups and downs of the patient experience, quality woes and what to generally expect. 

These medical cannabis reviews are presented to try and form a balanced and honest opinion relating to his experience and understanding of the limitations the clinics/ pharmacies and producers face with trying to navigate compliance standards that compete with perceived quality of some products.  

Everyone is different, and Rowan is prescribed for specific conditions and is provided these prescription legally by a Dr who has been working alongside him to find the best treatments. This means that any perceived benefits expressed in his article are purely anecdotal and related to his experience and may not reflect yours and certainly in no way mean to boast any medical claims about the use of these treatments outside of what he has personally experienced.  

“Medical cannabis has given me back control and vast improvement in terms of my quality of life day to day. Although I still struggle with my symptoms, this has enabled me to still be present and functional on the worse days, and given the peace of mind that knowings it's there if I need it on the better ones.”

 - Rowan Bailey

Curaleaf Jack Herer Medical Cannabis THC Cart Review


Here we are with another medical cannabis review discussing something a litle different, 510 extract carts. 

This is the Jack Herer Distillate, Terpene + PG cart by Curaleaf. We'll jump into what carts are, our impressions of this vs US dispensary options we have tried and effect impressions as a medical cannabis patient for chronic pain. 

For a little context of the prescribing of this Cart and Strain blend for myself. Up until now I have relied on Flower as my predominant medicine, with Pastilles or Oil as a secondary option for particularly bad nights or concenience whilst traveling. 

The thing is over the past year I have had a considerable operation that has left me with a more complex aray of symptoms to manage. Now on 'good' days I can manage with much lighter doses, and simply need the odd amount here and there to keep things balanced. Oil ends up being too much over all, and it can be a waste putting a smaller amount or only half baking a chamber in the Venty.

So when discussing options to fit specific scenarios with my Dr I suggested trying out Carts. For examples whilst being out and about and not wanting/ needing to juggle my venty, and grinder etc for a tiny dose. Being able to use a Cart for a couple of quick inhales would be efficient and wouldn't require any prep. So with this in mind I had a specific consultation relating to the use of thc carts and was prescribed this as the first strain to try as a balanced option cost wise. 

So these won't be my day to day go to as flower is king in terms of offering the full aray of cannabinoids that strains have to offer. However these are a powerful tool that those with lower tolerances could do really well with as the efficiency of use is brilliant. 

Anyway, let's jump in and i'll take you through my experience testing these out and get a little into the technical side of these carts for those who want some insider knowledge to top off their review. 

As always, if anyone has had this strain tested, or has sample COA that you think would be useful to attach here, please feel free to reach out and we’d be happy to showcase it here, along with any relevant reference back to you, and a cheeky gift card for our site as a thanks!

Curaleaf Jack Herer 510 THC Vape Cart review legal uk medical cannabis
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Main Review 

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my review of the Curaleaf Jack Herer Vape Cart. This was sourced legally via prescription to myself with chronic pain being the primary condition this is used for. I hope my feedback here is useful for you to make an informed choice on future prescriptions, or to avoid it depending on your needs. I always welcome feedback in terms of other specific points I could cover in these reviews.

Remember, i'm not a doctor or medical professional just a stranger on the internet. So take everything here as nothing more than my opinion. Do you our research and always consult a medical professional. 

Best Dry herb vaporiser for uk medical cannabis

The Best Dry Herb Vaporisers for Medical Cannabis in the UK: Our Picks

Jul 31, 2023
Shopify API


the best dry herb vaporisers for medical cannabis uk 


What's the best dry herb vaporiser for UK medical cannabis? This is a tough question to answer, especially with so many choices ranging from £25 up to £500+! 

We break down our top picks for medical cannabis dry herb vaporisers for UK medical cannabis to help you make the right choice first time! 

As always if you need any help with medical cannabis supplies, finding out if your eligible or anything CBD related, let us know! 

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Device/ Setup

Curaleaf Jack Herer 510 THC Vape Cart review legal uk medical cannabis

Ok so we’ve taken your feedback and updated some of the fields and points of interest in our reviews. I will now include the setup I have tested this strain with and preferences for it as a result. With these carts they don't require a dry herb vaporiser, but a battery to power the cart itself. 

These range from insanely easy to use, to mildly complicated. Having tried them all as well as working with customers buying batteries for this use for years, we know the ins and outs of them all so let me make this easy. 

80% of people only need a very simple and cheap 510 cart battery. These have 1 button on the side or simply activate when you inhale automatically. That's it. No set up time or playing with temperatures. Just screw your cart into place and off you go. 

20% will want something a little more complex that has the option to dial in the temp or power used. These are still easy to learn to use and setup and come with useful features such as pre heating. Some carts can be prone to blockages so a pre heat function can be a godsend and help you to avoid this frustrating issue some carts face. 

With that said, I have been keeping things simple when testing this cart with a inhale activated device called the Silo. You can buy it Here

The Silo comes with a small magnetic adapter that you screw into the base of your cart. Then you simply drop the cart into the hole on the Silo where it holds it in place with magnets. Then it's ready to use by simply inhaling through the mouth piece. No buttons or settings to play with. Just drop it in and you are good to go. 

This device feels great in the hand as despite it's size the metal gives it a good weighted feel and you know it can handle a few drops whilst protected the cart itself. 


This part is usually more in depth because there's so much difference between different dry herb vapes. However here it's all about the battery. Though different powers will produce more/ less vapour. The actual resulting vapour will be somewhat similar at the same ratings across all batteries. What I can say is that with carts in general the device setup is always quite easy.
Mostly you find pen style batteries where the cart screws on top of like THESE. But the Silo makes that easier with it's magnetic attachment whilst protecting the cart itself which gives it a big edge in my opinion.

If you are interested in which Dry Herb Vapes I use for the flower in my other reviews this is the breakdown:

Main device: Storz and Bickel Venty 

Secondary Devices: Storz and Bickel Volcano Hybrid , Pax Plus & Dynvap M.

Initial observations

This is where I usually discuss flower presentation, trim, cure and aroma. However none of this applies to the cart, so i'll be more specific here. 

Firstly i'm glad to finally have a small vapeable product that fits in my pocket easily including the packaging with prescription label on. Currently I carry a small smelly proof peli case for my Venty, and then have to carry my flower seperate so that I have the packaging with the attached label. This is a pain when out and about without a bag, attending an event, or travelling. So to be able to have the cardboard box flat in my pocket with the cart insert into my Silo neetly in the same space is a game changer for legally medicating out and about. 

The cart itself is very familiar. Not only do I regularly use CBD carts made in the same manner, but have also used plenty of THC carts in my time vistiing the states from US dispensaries. For a like for like product this looks no different and is as you would expect. 

The cart itself doesn't smell like cannabis unless you have a wiff of the mouth piece, or if it has recently been heated. However as it is sat in your pocket it isn't the same as if you were to have a regular dry herb vape at all. 

That's it, it's a cart, looks like a cart and the packaging is easy to put in your pocket for on the go!

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Curaleaf Jack Herer 510 THC Vape Cart review legal uk medical cannabis

Getting used to THC carts vs Flower

Comparing THC carts to flower is difficult as it's a technical question that has a tonne of variables. In this specific instance it is comparing apples and oranges so to speak. 

Though there is a comprison to be drawn, which I will get into now, i'll very briefly explain what these variables are so when picking carts you understand these differences and how in turn it may effect how they work for you and your condition. 

Carts are filled with a cannabis extract. Typically THC dominant distillate, or some sort of live resin. The latter is a far super product that distillate alone however it isn't always obvious what type of extract is used without looking at ingredients. Yet these differences make a massive change to how the product impacts you. Noteably overall, carts are more on the sativa side of the effect spectrum than Indica (Though there are exceptions, particularly in CBG heavy or full plant extract carts).

There's a really technical reason for this, but in short, distillate is a cheaper product and typically contains THC and a few other cannabinoids in minimal ammounts and terpenes are usually lacking. This distillate then has terpenes added back in to match certain strain profiles, such as this 'Jack Herer' cart. However, though it shares the same terpenes as the strain, it isn't the same and will be lacking dozens if not hundreds of other minor cannabinoids and terpenes that are in the authentic strain profile found in the flower. So these missing elements not being present means it doesn't effect you quite in the same way. It's the same reason why using rubbish cannabis and then sniffing a lemon doesn't suddenly make you feel like you've had some super lemon haze. This is why products that do contain all of the original terpenes and cannabinoids such as rosin/ live resin are better because they do contain this full spectrum as nature intended it. 

Anyway, with that said, distillate carts such as these are very effective still. Just personally if I were to use them daily, they would be used for day time effects or convenience. I don't quite get the full body relief to the extent that I do with flower through my venty. However we will hopefully start to see product with live resin extract appear in the UK market. Having said that, the markup on distillate based carts is currently insanely high, so I would kind of dread to see what price a Live Resin cart would be.

So if you are an up and coming producer in this space and you are reading this, keep the prices competitive because we know how much these cost to produce!     

Budget-Friendly Dry Herb Vaporizers Under £100: Top Picks for UK Vapers

Jul 03, 2024
Rowan Bailey
Best Budget Dry Herb Vape Under £100

Are you searching for the best cheap dry herb vaporizer in the UK? As a medical cannabis patient, I know how challenging it can be to find an affordable yet high-quality vaporizer. Everyone touts Tiny Mights and Mighty, but let's be honest, the prescription is expensive enough as it is and not everyone can afford to throw £300 at something like this. 

Read More!

Curaleaf Jack Here Cart Effects

Context: I’m prescribed for chronic nerve pain with severe headaches that is accompanied by nausea/ gastro issues at times. I work full time and have a young family. As such, I have to find the balance between managing pain/ symptoms, and being functional in my various responsibilities.

In turn, the split between a day time and night time strain gives me that ability to address deeper pains in the evenings where it may be more sedating, whilst using a more uplifting/ cerebral strain for day time to help get me through without any unwanted side effects. This has been key to me taking back my life and maintaining better quality of life all in. So the cart fitted in as a solution day time use for me on the go. Times where I don't need the full dose for relief, or where setting up the Venty with my grinder etc wouldn't be practical. 

With the above in mind, This has been a great solution. Though it isn't a heavy hitter for me like LA Kush Cake, GMO or Sourdough for my deeper pains, it provides swift managed relief. Being able to take short brief inhales and putting it away enables me to microdose my THC consumption in the day whilst at my desk or if i'm on my feet a lot with a busy day. 

Though it is good for day time use don't be fooled into thinking this can't ruin your day productivty wise. So take it slow if you are not used to this or have a low tolerance. One to three medium to long inhales is more than enough for a solid dose for me and I have a solid tolerance. So those who may be using THC lightly could easily take three big hits before realising how strong that's going to set on in a minute. 

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Let's Get Technical - Curaleaf Jack Herer Cart

Curaleaf Jack Herer 510 THC Vape Cart review legal uk medical cannabisCuraleaf Jack Herer 510 THC Vape Cart review legal uk medical cannabis

"Splitting the nug":

"Splitting the nug" has been about a deeper inspection into the flower and it's trichomes using a microscope. 

So with no trichomes in sight, but only what was once inside them, we thought we'd get technical and explain what's inside these carts and how they work. 

These Curaleaf Jack Herer Carts are made using THC distillate, a Jack Herer Terpene Profile and propylene glycol. The last two ingredients act as 'diluents' which essentially make the distillate runnier and easier for the cart to suck into the coil to heat and vaporise. 

What's interesting here is that they've opted to add PG to the mix. This without a doubt makes carts more consistent with 'wicking' into the coils meaning they're less likely to get blocked or go dry between hits and burning. However, this can also make them more prone to leakage due to being runnier. Having said this, I experienced no leakage with this cart. 

How Does It Work? 

It's pretty simple really. It has a metal screw on the base which is comprised of the positive and negative terminals that ultimately connect to the 'coil' in the chamber. The extract soaks into the chamber through small holes typically covered in cotton. You use the screw in the base to connect it to a battery such as a CCELL Silo or Pen Style Battery. This connects the positive and negative terminals, and when in use heats the coil inside the chamber to a precise temp vaporising the THC extract in contact with it. This vapour can then be inhaled through the mouth piece. 

What's the advantages to this? These devices are tiny compared to Dry Herb Vapes as they don't require as much power. They also dont need heat up time, they work quickly and can be used for single hits without burning off all the terpenes like dry herb vapes typically do when splitting up a dose. 

Curaleaf Jack Herer 510 THC Vape Cart review legal uk medical cannabis
Curaleaf Jack Herer 510 THC Vape Cart review legal uk medical cannabis

Batch No

For reference we usually include a batch number. Some strains have varied over time, often for the better. So we figured it's best to have a reference point for when we reviewed this for context. However in this instance we didn't photograph it for reference, and when checking my cart (which is now empty) it was worn off. So a bit of feedback to Curaleaf would be to ensure labels that are required to be on the cart itself should be able to last full use. 

So i'll update this once back in stock with a fresh batch!  

Throat issues/ catching/ allergies?:

In the past I have had hay fever like symptoms with a scratchy throat/ runny eyes and sneezing around loading my device or vaping certain strains. After a recent brain operation, avoiding coughing is a big priority for me to help reduce pressure. So I take note whether this is an issue on my reviews incase anyone else has the same problem!

What is important to note with these types of allergies, is that they can be due to a specific terpene. When it comes to strain specific terpene profiles in carts, where they fall short is how accurate the blend of the terpenes are. Usually rather than having the 23 different complex terpenes, the top 3/4 are picked and mixed together in much high ratios than typically found naturally in the profile. Plus as this this a concentrated extract, you are inhaling a lot more of terpenes anyway. So if you encounter one that you have allergies with, it will certainly trigger them quite badly. So depending on the severity of your symptoms you may want to consider this. 

I for one do experience these types of allergies but had none with this strain profile an cart. However everyone is different. 

Curaleaf Jack Herer 510 THC Vape Cart review legal uk medical cannabis

Side effects/ issues?

I haven’t observed any in particular, if you have any would like to add any info here to help others let us know!

High potency extracts can be easy to over do if you are not careful. Not only to be able to accidentally take an uncomfortable dose, but also to accidentally raise your tolerance in a short period of time. 

Regardless of tolerance some people can get headaches in larger doses too, or feel forehead pressure for example. I didn't experience this with this cart though. 

It works well to balance high THC extract carts using a CBD Oil to ensure you get a more rounded effect, particular when using a distillate based cart such as these. 

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Curaleaf Jack Here Cart Info

Curaleaf Jack Herer 510 THC Vape Cart review legal uk medical cannabis

Info from

Awaiting more info, but producer details: 
"We are European leaders in the production and research of medicinal cannabis. With our products and in-depth knowledge of cannabinoid therapies, we support medical professionals in the individual treatment of people. Our mission: to ensure medical care, education within a professional framework and natural cultivation under the highest possible quality standards. Cannabis is one of the oldest medicinal plants in the world and can improve the quality of life for people with acute and chronic diseases."

Curaleaf Jack Herer 510 THC Vape Cart review legal uk medical cannabis

Terpene profile:
The most abundant terpene in Jack Herer is terpinolene, followed by caryophyllene and pinene.

Curaleaf Jack Herer 510 THC Vape Cart review legal uk medical cannabis


One of the big pros with carts is that consistency is in a different league than flower. Distillate is distillate, and terpenes are terpenes. These will all be lab tested and mixed accurately producing a consistent product time after time. The only variable being the THC potency of the distillate used in each batch. However when using PG as a diluent like Curaleaf, you can still hit a specific THC target per cart such as 350mg THC by dialing in the PG ratios producing a solid strength time after time. Though some critisice the use of PG, I see why they've this for optimal control in consistency, I see what you're doing CL and respect it. 

Curaleaf Jack Herer 510 THC Vape Cart review legal uk medical cannabis

Overall impression

I'm walking away from these carts with an overly positive opinion, though I do feel the price point is over the top at the moment. 

Working in this industry I understand how expensive it gets with supply chain considerations, insurance and regulatory costings that have to be factored into every level. However, I know exactly how much THC distillate and terpenes cost because I source terpenes for our labs, and also have access to supplier costs across the world for THC distillate. I know how much it costs to make these products, and compared to the mark up on flower it's utter madness. 

Having said that, clearly this feedback is trickling down slowly as in the past month one popular Medical THC Cart has had it's price dropped from £135 per 1ml to £95. Yep you heard that right it was £135... Considiering the cost to produce these is under £10, a realistic RRP ceiling of £50 on medical should be reflected in my personal opinion. Afterall this is the medical not rereational market, these are people who are using these because they need them for their quality of life. 

Cart are exceptionally effective, but they are currently cost prohibitive for many. 

It's very easy to increase your tolerance with these as well which only makes these costs higher. 

Do not be put off however, I am coming at this for chronic pain and having had a major brain and spinal operation earlier this year. Many people with lower tolerances will find these perfect. Particularly those who use small amounts for anxiety here and there as a microdose with this may well set you right and save you a lot at the same time even at these current prices. 

Best air purifier to reduce medical cannabis smell uk 2025

Best air purifier for medical cannabis smell uk

Mar 12, 2025

Here are our top rated and tested air purifiers for medical cannabis. Between our extracts lab and home we have plenty of experience using various air purifiers and filters. So we decided to a break down of the best we have tried to help those wanting to manage the smell of cannabis at home with ease! 

Aurora Pedanios Cosmic Cream 31% Medical cannabis strain review uk

Aurora Pedanios Cosmic Cream 31% Medical Cannabis Strain review UK

Jan 07, 2025

A new very strong one that does not back down when it comes to effects. This 31% THC strain from Aurora is prescribed to myself legally for helping to manage chronic pain issues. As it stands, i'm awaiting a serious operation and this strain is going to be the heavy hitter for me during this. As such I have looked at this review from the perspective of whether high potency actually equals better management. 

Curaleaf GGT Grapefruit Gift Medical Cannabis Strain Review UK

Curaleaf GGT Grapefruit Gift Medical Cannabis Strain review UK

Dec 13, 2024
Rowan Bailey

Curaleaf "GGT" or Grapefruit Gift is aptly named with its pungent unique aroma, and the fantastic effects I have found from it for my condition. Not only that, but this is one of the most impressive looking strains in terms of nug formation, size and trim that i've seen from a new strain in a while. Though I haven't managed to do a microscope video yet, we have had a tonne of requests for this one so I wanted to get our main review out asap. Enjoy!

How to choose high quality cbd vape juice

How to Choose High-Quality CBD Vape Juice: What to Look For and Avoid

Nov 18, 2024
Rowan Bailey

Choosing the right CBD vape juice can be daunting, with so many options available today. CBD vape juice (also called CBD vape oil or e-liquid) is a type of CBD product specially formulated for vaping, meaning it’s inhaled as a vapour rather than being swallowed or applied directly to the skinWe break down the ins and outs of what to look for and what you need to know when it comes to vaping CBD.

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