We often get asked about using CBD for Fibromyalgia. It's no secret that we worked closely with a local Fibromyalgia support group to develop our CBD product range and regularly attend talks about treatment for Fibromyalgia and Arthritis amongst other conditions. There's a lot of studies, reviews and word of mouth that supports the effectiveness of CBD when utilized correctly. We regularly have enquiries as a customers research suggests that CBD may be beneficial to them. As well as customers asking about whether they would be eligible for legal Medical Cannabis for their fibromyalgia symptoms (Click HERE for more info on this).
More often than not they're researching various pains associated with fibromyalgia, anti-inflammatory attributes of CBD, CBD Oils for Fibromyalgia symptoms and whether it can help with pain and inflammation. Unfortunately, we're restricted in terms of discussing any medicinal benefits of CBD as sellers in the UK, unlike the US which has different state laws, FDA approved options and wherein many states the cannabis plant is legal to grow and purchase.
Although we can talk to you in-depth about whether CBD is legal, provide research on CBD, explain the differences between tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD), what 'Hemp-Derived CBD' means in contrast to medical cannabis/medical marijuana and how the different delivery methods work. We can't go as far as directly talking about benefits past its ability to 'Maintain your health'.
As we regularly get questions about CBD for Fibromyalgia, we thought it was best to be able to refer these on to a first-hand account from someone who was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 10 years ago and has had great success in managing her symptoms with a few different approaches.
As much as we have learned a great deal from attending support groups, we hoped hearing a first-hand account from someone experienced with Fibromyalgia would be more relatable for those of you coming here to learn more about it.
The views and opinions in the following interview are by a third party not by Infinity CBD and we do not validate any medical claims that may be present in this article. Everyone's experiences are different with CBD let alone Fibro, however with first-hand experience and tips, being more informed about where to start will hopefully be beneficial to you trying CBD for the first time.
There are risks of addiction and other side effects from 'traditionally' prescribed medications for Fibro, have you done your research?
Fibro Warrior Interview
So let's get into it, introducing Chisel, the founder of the Dyfed Fibromyalgia Support Group!
Hi Chisel, introduce yourself to our readers and let them know your Fibro story!
"Hi, my name is Chisel, I’m 50yrs old and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and M.E 10yrs ago. Here is a short account of how I got here today med free and able to better manage my pain & illness.
When I was first told I had fibromyalgia in 2010. It was, at best good news and bad. Good in that I finally after years of suffering so much pain had an answer, the bad news is there wasn’t a lot I could do about it.
Doctors knew very little about it, some didn’t even believe it existed, told me I was lazy, or it's a women thing, I’m overweight or just plain imagining it. Feeling very alone and getting worse I sank into anxiety and depression which led to panic attacks and more pain, I become all but bedridden from the pain and constant fatigue, I couldn’t work so I had to give it up.
This went on for over 2yrs, got no help/ empathy or constructive advice from any medical professionals, they just gave me more meds that were having little or no effect, or worse the side effects were making me worse or like a zombie. Finally, I decided enough was enough I was coming off my meds and would find alternative pain management. So I decided I would try to find out as much information about what fibromyalgia was, and how to help myself improve.
Using my background in holistic therapies, nutrition, and aromatherapy I studied all I could find out about fibromyalgia. Looking at all the alternatives to help me heal, or at least improve my symptoms, for which there are many, 200 plus as I have found out.
It took me over 7 years studying to find out all I could about fibro, lots of trial and error testing or trying out new foods, natural therapies, natural pain relief, exercise or other ways to help, there were a lot of fails but some wins where I could get to where I am today.
Yet I’m still studying and looking for new results in research regularly. Today I have a strong understanding of fibromyalgia and chronic pain and for the last 18+ months I have been sharing my knowledge and findings with others in form of starting a support group online and doing workshops, meets, and hydrotherapy sessions in West Wales.
Although there is no cure, I have found ways to lessen the effects of fibromyalgia symptoms and pain in myself and am now meds free and only using natural pain relief and therapies to manage my illness. Enter my amazing find on the effects of CBD…"
Continued below.

Was ist Fibromyalgie? Häufige Symptome und Behandlungen erklärt!
Der Begriff „Fibromyalgie“ weckt oft ein vages Bild von unerklärlichen Schmerzen, Müdigkeit und Unwohlsein. Allerdings sind diese vagen Symptome ein sehr realer und herausfordernder Teil meines täglichen Lebens. Als Fibromyalgie-Patient bin ich mit dem stillen Kampf, der mit der Bewältigung dieser Erkrankung einhergeht, bestens vertraut und kann einige der häufigsten Fragen aufschlüsseln.
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Has CBD helped with managing your fibromyalgia and how did you first learn about CBD and decide to try to use it to help with your Fibromyalgia?
"During my years of research, I found a lot of mentions about CBD oil and its amazing effects on pain relief. So I started looking into it, the information was varied and bit confusing but found a lot of positive testimonials, so I looked into obtaining some. The strengths and types were very confusing, so I asked a friend that had used it to get me some.
OMG the difference it made after a few days! I slept better my head was clearer and after a couple of weeks. I found my anxiety improving and I was starting to feel my old self again and pain felt lessened! I was so happy!
But after I could no longer get any from that supplier I tried elsewhere, this is where I learned that not all CBD is the same and varies vastly in cost and purity as I found out from the many different brands I tried. As I couldn’t find any real knowledgeable information I found that a lot of CBD was useless for my fibromyalgia as it was too low quality or extremely expensive with no guarantee of its effectiveness.
Then I met the lovely Rowan when I walked into the Pembrokeshire CBD Centre store in Haverfordwest, which had newly opened. What I found was not only the best quality CBD that works amazingly but an extremely knowledgeable man in all there is to know about CBD, he helped find me the right CBD Oil and CBD products he thought could help with my Fibro pain and educated me in what CBD is, how it helps, how its made etc.
I came out feeling I finally had some useful knowledge to help me manage my pain and feedback to forward to my Fibro support group. I have since met the rest of the team at Infinity CBD and they all know their stuff and are a great bunch of people always ready to help or provide information on CBD products.
This is why I then asked them to help my support group by doing information talks at my workshops which they gladly did and in turn, we have been able to help them understand and raise awareness into what fibromyalgia is and how it affects us. That information gained from talking to my members and other sufferers of fibromyalgia has been used to tailor-make products that help those with chronic pain & fibromyalgia....
Thanks guys your defo my life saver and to many others on my group."
Continued below.

The Muscle Salve is a great solution for targetted areas. A little bit goes a long way, and can be used alongside CBD Oil Drops for best results.

Den Zeitrahmen verstehen: Wie lange dauert es, bis CBD bei Fibromyalgie wirkt?
In der komplexen Welt des Wohlbefindens und der Gesundheitsversorgung hat sich CBD (Cannabidiol) für viele als Hoffnungsträger erwiesen. Insbesondere Menschen, die an Fibromyalgie leiden, finden Trost in der Hoffnung auf ein therapeutisches Potenzial dieses pflanzlichen Moleküls. Während wir uns mit diesem Thema befassen, gehen wir der Frage nach: Wie lange dauert es, bis CBD bei Fibromyalgie wirkt?
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As you’re active with many people with fibromyalgia, how would you say the general experience with those who’ve tried CBD is?
'Using my newly gained knowledge of CBD from the guys at Infinity CBD and my personal feedback on how it was working for me and how it helped my pain and reduced my anxiety etc. I put this to my Fibromyalgia support group, with that and using the knowledge they gained at the CBD talks Rowan provided at the workshops, many decided to try CBD to help them to reduce their pain and help manage their symptoms and try come off, or reduce the many medication prescribed to them for fibromyalgia.
A high percentage on my group have lowered their meds and found better pain relief and better pain management with CBD, some like myself are totally meds free and have improved so much. CBD is not a cure for fibromyalgia or chronic pain but it can help massively help in reducing your pain and anxiety and help you get a more restful quality of sleep, which as we all know helps us recover from bad Fibromyalgia flares and aids less pain as it allows our bodies to rest."
Many people are different in terms of what works for them and find different delivery methods to help them more than others, so with Fibro complications on top of that what would you say the most popular method/ combination has been?
"CBD works differently for different people I have found from feedback on the group, maybe 1% it doesn’t work for or some have found the oil doesn’t help but the topical balms and salves work better, but for the majority, it helps a lot, different strengths work for different people as do different products.
I find the CBD Oil is best for my anxiety and PTSD and to aid sleep and the infinity CBD balm is great for daily use on the spot pain relief rubbed on to joints and tender areas, plus I use the Calm Stick when needed when I get muscles spasms or headaches it’s like a miracle in a bottle and a huge favourite with my members on group lol, especially as we can carry everywhere with us as its a roll-on bottle."
Continued below!

Welche Stärke von CBD-Öl gegen Fibromyalgie?
Welches CBD-Öl ist am stärksten gegen Fibromyalgie? CBD-Öl hat sich als vielversprechende Therapieoption für Menschen mit Fibromyalgie herausgestellt, und da wir seit 2018 in dieser Branche tätig sind und Aufklärungsvorträge in Fibromyalgie-Selbsthilfegruppen halten, wollten wir ein paar Ratschläge geben, darunter auch was Die beliebtesten Stärken und Produkte sind für Fibro!
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Do you have a non-CBD related message for those reading this with fibromyalgia who may be going at this alone or without finding solutions to manage it yet?
"Before I go here’s a quick shout out to anyone suffering fibromyalgia.... You are not alone, there is help and support out there, and you are stronger than you realize, you are a fibro warrior and if you are finding it hard to cope or you want to find out more information to help you in ways to manage this awful illness, then you can contact me through my support group on Facebook, look up Dyfed Fibromyalgia supporters and message me.
This illness can take so much from us but with fellow Fibro sufferers who understand it and can relate it can make the load seem much lighter and you can find friends who understand and empathize with what you are going through.
And if you want more advice on CBD, message the boys at Infinity CBD as they are only too happy to help answer your questions."
Continued below!

Strategies For Marketing CBD Products In A Saturated Market
Learn the best strategies for marketing CBD products in a saturated market. Know your target market, build a solid brand, create valuable content, leverage social media, and offer discounts. The CBD industry has expanded dramatically throughout the last several years. The battle has become more intense as a result. Companies must create fresh and clever methods to present themselves in this competitive market. Consider these few excellent concepts.

How to Take CBD for Fibromyalgia: Methods, Tips, and Best PracticesTHC or CBD for Fibromyalgia: Which Cannabinoid Is More Effective? - copy
From CBD oils to topical CBD balms and creams, the world of CBD offers a variety of application methods suitable for fibromyalgia. Whether you're considering vaping CBD for quick relief in the midst of a flare up or applying a CBD cream directly to targeted areas, there's a lot to learn about using CBD effectively for fibromyalgia.This guide will walk you through different CBD products, dosage tips, and how to combine CBD with other treatments. You'll discover how to choose the right full-spectrum CBD product and get practical advice on incorporating CBD into your fibromyalgia management plan.

Latest Fibromyalgia Research 2024: Breakthroughs and Insights
In this article, we'll explore the cutting-edge findings that are reshaping our view of fibromyalgia. You'll learn about the potential autoimmune basis of the condition, how your central nervous system might play a key role, and the interplay between your genes and environment. We'll also look at new approaches to pain management and treatment options that could make a real difference in your life. Whether you're dealing with fibro fog, searching for better ways to handle your symptoms, or simply want to understand this condition better, this overview of the latest research will give you valuable insights and reasons for optimism.

THC or CBD for Fibromyalgia: Which Cannabinoid Is More Effective?
Living with fibromyalgia can be a daily struggle, filled with pain, fatigue, and uncertainty. If you're grappling with this challenging condition, you may have heard about the potential benefits of cannabis-derived compounds. The question of whether to use THC or CBD for fibromyalgia has become a hot topic in recent years, as more people seek natural alternatives to manage their symptoms.Both of these cannabinoids have shown promise in alleviating various aspects of fibromyalgia, but which one might be more effective for you or do you need both?

Aurora Pedanios Cosmic Cream 31% Medical Cannabis Strain review UK
A new very strong one that does not back down when it comes to effects. This 31% THC strain from Aurora is prescribed to myself legally for helping to manage chronic pain issues. As it stands, i'm awaiting a serious operation and this strain is going to be the heavy hitter for me during this. As such I have looked at this review from the perspective of whether high potency actually equals better management.

Curaleaf GGT Grapefruit Gift Medical Cannabis Strain review UK
Curaleaf "GGT" or Grapefruit Gift is aptly named with its pungent unique aroma, and the fantastic effects I have found from it for my condition. Not only that, but this is one of the most impressive looking strains in terms of nug formation, size and trim that i've seen from a new strain in a while. Though I haven't managed to do a microscope video yet, we have had a tonne of requests for this one so I wanted to get our main review out asap. Enjoy!

How to Choose High-Quality CBD Vape Juice: What to Look For and Avoid
Choosing the right CBD vape juice can be daunting, with so many options available today. CBD vape juice (also called CBD vape oil or e-liquid) is a type of CBD product specially formulated for vaping, meaning it’s inhaled as a vapour rather than being swallowed or applied directly to the skinWe break down the ins and outs of what to look for and what you need to know when it comes to vaping CBD.

Dry Herb Vaporizers vs Smoking, vape pens and more
It's no secret that it can be an adjustment swapping from combustion (smoking joints, bongs etc) to using a Dry Herb Vaporizer. The thing is, once you crack the code, it's not only healthier, but you actually get stronger results using much less material. So to help you out, we break down the difference between Dry Herb vaporizers vs smoking, vape pens and more below as well as help you with the step by step guide to make the swap.