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Join The Infinity CBD Community

Whether you're a daily CBD user, enjoy the odd edible or a medical cannabis patient balancing out their THC with our CBD. We'd love to hear your experiences, tips and stories! 

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We started out as a CBD shop selling a wide range of brands back in 2018. We quickly realised there was a gap in the market for a reliable, cost effective, community driven brand with a focus on natural products that simply work. 

Through our educational CBD and Cannabis talks and feedback from real world users, we developed these products in 2018/2019 and have continued to produce them in our own labs ever since. 

Rowan Bailey Owner of Infinity CBD and UK Medical Cannabis Consultant

As seen in:
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  • Third party lab tested, single source extract for continuity and organicly certified extract & carrier oil used. 


We aim to post all orders same day if placed Monday - Friday before noon. Despite achieving big things, we're a still a small team. So we always do our best to get your orders out, and are situated directly accross from a post office for easy dispatch. However, with royal mail delays, and other unavoidable issues, sometimes there are delays. We're not amazon, and cannot guarantee same day dispatch or the delivery time provided by our delivery partners. 

We understand that many of you rely on your CBD and often need a top up urgently. We are always happy to help you get you your CBD as soon as possible. Feel free to give us a call, or drop us an email if we can help in any way. You can use the form to the side (Or below on mobile!) 


 Feel free to leave your questions to us. We're on emails and customer support 9-5 Monday to Friday other than bank holidays, or dates announced via email/ social media. Though we are a small team so can take a couple of hours for a response on busy days. Thanks for understanding!

Let's Stay in touch

You'll get a cheeky discount on us, rewards points from your first order and some behind the scenes content in our labs. 

From time to time we also look for product testers too, so it's worth being a member for some freebies! 

Need Help?

We are here to assist you

Contact us

We monitor emails and live chat:

Monday - Friday: 10 am to 5 pm