Vanilla & Honey Frothed CBD Iced Coffee Recipe

CBD coffee is the staple of my morning before anything else. It's one of the easiest ways I find to track my dose and keep it consistent.
I can't start my day without coffee, so by having my bottle of CBD Drops right next to the kettle, it reminds me of the most important thing when using CBD, consistency!
So although you can easily make CBD coffee with black coffee, instant, or anything that takes your fancy, here i've got a great way to blend that CBD in using a lovely local honey as the sweetener. As things slowly start getting warmer this year we also figured we'd tried going iced this time!

Quality Ingredients
Step 1
You can do this the fancy way by making espresso with your machine/ gadgety thing, or just make yourself a strong coffee shot using instant coffee. We're not snobs, if it tastes good and it works then happy days!
So first up - CBD? You have to use the best quality CBDoil from a reputable brand to ensure that you can rely on the dosage being accurate. For a CBD coffee a typical dose would be 10-25mg. As with all oils, they float on water, so we advise choosing a strength of CBD Oil that achieves your dose with the least amount of drops. So for 10mg, a 2,000mg bottle would be perfect requiring only one single drop! Or to save money, opt for the 1,000mg bottle and only use two drops!
Next - Honey & Vanilla! We recommend a locally sourced honey (1 tablespoon), especially if you suffer with hayfever, and for vanilla any coffee syrup will do but you could be fancy and use an extract!
Place all of these in your hot espresso/ coffee shot and use a frother like THIS. Take your time. You want to keep frothing this until the coffee binds and produces a consistent foam.

The money shot
Step 2
Once your coffee is whipped, place ice in your glass and pour over. Take a moment to enjoy how lovely it looks and grab your favourite milk.
We found the approach of frothing the coffee with the honey in the first step meant we could use substantially less milk than usual as it added so much volume.

Finish With Milk
Step 3
It really is that simple, the hardest thing about CBD coffee is ensuring that you have a good quality product like these CBD Oil Drops. This means you'll know exactly what dose you are getting, as well as that they'll taste great in this recipe!
One of the major pros of this recipe is that due to the way it is frothed, there are no issues with the oil floating on top as it blends so well! But you may want to over estimate the dose slightly to account for any CBD left in the glass/ stuck to the edges due to how thick this foam is!

Homemade CBD Pumpkin Spice latte recipe!
CBD-infused beverages have taken the world by storm, offering a unique twist to traditional drinks. From refreshing iced teas to soothing hot chocolates, CBD-infused beverages have become increasingly popular due to their potential health benefits. The combination of CBD oil with a warm and comforting pumpkin spice latte is the perfect way to start your fall mornings. In this article, we will explore the rise of CBD latte, discuss the health benefits of CBD oil, delve into the pumpkin spice trend, and provide you with a delicious CBD pumpkin spice latte recipe to enjoy in the comfort of your own home.
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