• MedCan Isando Tokoloshe Sherbet Review UK Medical Cannabis Strain

    by Shopify API MedCan Isando Tokoloshe Sherbet Review UK Medical Cannabis Strain - Infinity CBD
    Upon opening up I was impressed on multiple levels, visually this looks like a beautifully grown strain with a well looked after form to the nug with trichomes and pistills intact all over. You can immediately tell that this is a non irradiated strain because the smell out of the bag is beautiful. A bold fruity scent fills the nostrils with a subtle note of grape on the back end which translates well through the vapour.

    Then when I went to grab a nug to look at closer I was taken back by the fact it wasn’t bone dry but actually had some sponginess to it! So the cure is also on point compared to my other previous dailies which tend to come in bone dry.

    Off the bat, first impressions? Great! My selection was that of medium sized nugs, all well trimmed and little to no shake present in my bag. Though as with any product this will vary from order to order I’m sure. Nug density is there despite having more give than the bone dry flower I am used to and it translates well in the grind. I am writing this review having only had one batch so will update as I have experienced a different batch too, but first impressions here have been pretty great. Particularly when I think back to much more expensive strains I have tried in the past.