Your FREE Mindfulness Toolkit
A range of tried and tested mindfulness techniques, relaxing cinematic asmr videos and links to further research to help support your new wellness ritual.
Everyone is different, so there is no 'one size fits all' solution to finding more balance. It's about finding a combination of things that work for you. Your own calmness love language so to speak.
Some of these techniques and tools will be used in the moment when perhaps you're feeling overwhelmed. Others are there to support you and your lifestyle in a preventative manner.
Click the individual links below to explore more!
Relaxation FilmsMindfulness TechniquesHow to use your Calm Stick
Everyone is different and as such your ritual should be too.
For me, reminding myself to conciously take a break every forty five minutes to an hour for five minutes without screens was the first break through. Now I use a combination of PMRT and breathing as and when with the breaks being my baseline to prevent falling out of balance. Coupling these habbits with my calm stick not only helped me recharge and maintain better productivity through the day, but the ritual now works elsewhere. If i'm feeling stressed, just applying the Calm Stick with the scent & massaging head is all it takes to transport me back to my calm space.
For those wanting to jump straight in, here are our Relaxing Short films we produced to help elevate your down time:
Duration - Short - 1 minute
A flight along Dolgoch Waterfalls
This short flight exploring the Dolgoch Waterfalls in Wales is the perfect way to snap your brain away from hyperfocus and utilise the Pomodoro technique to feel refreshed and focused. At only 60 seconds, there is really no reason not to fit this in where ever you are as long as you have a trusty pair of earphones on hand!
Can be enjoyed with and without visuals, so if you want to just tap into the tranquil sounds of the water along the stream and the falls then this is the perfect video for you.
The Lakehouse
Duration - Medium 10+ Minutes
This hidden gem has been a new bolt hole for us since last year. Walking out of the front door to these views was breath taking so we ensured we captued the tranquility in all of its glory to share with you here.
From the moment we woke up and looked out of the bedroom window you know this place is special.
Come on a walk with us and focus on the wind and the water as it laps on the shoreline.
This is a great place to start to help you escape in a small gap and just change the flow your mind is in to a more concise and balanced one.
Whether you use this by listening to the audio only and closing your eyes, or embrace the visuals and imagine yourself taking the journey yourself, or remembering similars ones you've taken.
This is all about relaxation your way, in a way that works for you. Once you've cracked that, it's just about consistency and visiting these as often as you need to.
Duration Medium - 10 minutes
Tideline 4K - Coming soon
A sprawling birdseye view along the shorelines of Pembrokeshire, South West Wales.
A unique insight in the natural world around us reflect on unique compositions perfectly capturing nature in fantastic 4k cinematic glory.
The immersive audio captured on location authentically leads you into the each scene.
Best enjoyed in a relaxed comfortable position with in ear headphones. Can be enjoyed with and without visuals. For optimal viewing settings ensure that your video quality is set to a minimum of Full HD 1080p and allow it to load before playing.
Newgale Pembrokeshire
Duration - Medium - 5 Mins Perfect for Pomodoro Technique Break
One of the more well known beaches of Pembrokeshire, New Gale is the perfect place to relax at the end of a long day.
This one is a little different with a low key 'chill' soundtrack over the waves. I find music soothes my thought processes when stressed, so we wanted to try a balance between natural sounds and these beats. Let us know how it works for you!
With it's vast pebble bank ideal for sitting down and just look out across the ocean as the sun sets. There really are only a few better view points at this time of day than newgale Pembrokeshire.
Come and relax with us on this beautiful spring day with beautiful golden light cascading for miles in every direction bouncing off of the ocean in front of us.
More to come!
Mindfulness Techniques
Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique
This technique is a great way to divert stress, anxiety or any feeling on edge.
It works by slowly tensing and relaxing isolated muscle groups one at a time. This tunes your conscious and subscious mind into this process. Harnessing concentration and your senses and tuning them away from the hightened state.
Like many mindfulness techniques this may seem obvious, or simplistic. But it genuinely works, it may just take a little practice and consistency at first.
This is not only a great piece of the toolkit to use in troublesome moments, but also great to use in a supportive nature. Using this technique once you get into bed can be a great way to unwind and truly relax as you prepare for sleep!
Breathing Exercises
You've no doubt already heard about breathing exercises and may even use these already in a simple way. Though they're simple in nature, often the most effective things are.
Breathing techniques can be as simple as you need them to be. Slowly breathing in through your nose for the count of 4 and breathing out through your mouth for a count of 4 until you feel more in balance can be all it takes.
Concentrating on your body, and how your chest rises with each breath can be a great grounding technique to distract your senses in a similar way to PMRT!
To learn about diferent breathing techniques and how to use them in anxious moments or preventatively, click below!
Pomodoro Technique
Doing the work on the foundations of your life to prevent stress or anxiety can be one of the most effective strategies.
The pomodoro technique has gained in popularity recently particularly for those who struggle with ADHD. However it can be effective for anyone in improving focus and productivity whilst ensuring you don't get burned out.
By not spreading yourself as thin mentally, you can reduce triggers for stress or feeling negative for not hitting targets.
The pomodoro technique involves taking structured breaks regularly with a timer and is as useful at home as it is in the office.
To learn more about the pomodoro technique click below!
Grounding your senses
It can be easy to go through some days on auto pilot. Ever forget a section of the journey as you're on the way to work? Our brains like to save energy whenever they can, and as we get used to our surroundings we can become complacent.
This not only happens on journeys, but can also happen in thought processes and how we manage things day to day.
So if you are finding yourself in a situation where perhaps you're feeling a little more tense than normal, or you want to break out of feeling trapped in the same stream you can use grounding to snap out of it.
This can be as simple or as advanced as you need it to be. It can start by just wiggling your toes or become a new ritual similar to yoga or meditation to help day to day.
How to use your Calm Stick
Using your Calm Stick alongside Mindfulness techniques can be a brilliant way to optimise your down time.
When it comes down to how to apply it, it couldn't be easier.
Not only does the Calm Stick last a very long time, it's perfect for daily use with it's small form factor. No bigger than your typical lip stick!
In this video we breakdown the most common way to use the Calm Stick CBD Roll On.
Deal Of The Day
Duration Medium - 10 minutes
The Preselis of Pembrokeshire - Coming soon.
A relaxing birdseye view along the shorelines of Pembrokeshire, South West Wales.
A unique insight in the natural world around us reflect on unique compositions perfectly capturing nature in fantastic 4k cinematic glory.
The immersive audio captured on location authentically leads you into the each scene.
Best enjoyed in a relaxed comfortable position with in ear headphones. Can be enjoyed with and without visuals. For optimal viewing settings ensure that your video quality is set to a minimum of Full HD 1080p and allow it to load before playing.
Mid to North Wales
Duration - Long - TBC
One of the more well known beaches of Pembrokeshire, New Gale is the perfect place to relax at the end of a long day.
With it's vast pebble bank ideal for sitting down and just look out across the ocean as the sun sets. There really are only a few better view points at this time of day.
Come and relax with us on this beautiful spring day with beautiful golden light cascading for miles in every direction bouncing off of the ocean in front of us.
More below!
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