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Gönnen Sie sich einen Moment purer Ruhe mit diesem hochwertigen, beruhigenden, botanischen CBD-Badebad, gemischt mit einem exquisiten Elixier, das Ihre Seele anspricht. Diese erstklassige Mischung aus natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen wurde für die Momente entwickelt, in denen die Herausforderungen des Lebens überwältigend erscheinen. Sie ist Ihr Verbündeter und bietet Ihnen eine Flucht in eine Welt purer Entspannung und Verjüngung .

Das Calming Botanical CBD Bath Soak ist voller therapeutischer Wirkungen von rosa Himalaya-Salzen und Salzen aus dem Toten Meer und ist mehr als nur eine großzügige Badezugabe. Es ist ein immersives Erlebnis, das Ihre Haut nährt, den Körper entspannt und die Seele beruhigt. Jedes Salzkorn trägt die Essenz der Ruhe in sich und verwandelt Ihr tägliches Bad in eine außergewöhnliche Oase der Ruhe.

Die wahre Magie liegt in seiner einzigartigen Mischung aus wasserlöslichem Vollspektrum-CBD . Dieser wirksame Inhaltsstoff harmoniert harmonisch mit den Salzen und bietet Ihnen nicht nur ein einfaches Einweichen, sondern ein ganzheitliches CBD-Selbstpflegeritual . Es hilft, Muskelverspannungen zu lösen und die Regeneration zu fördern, was es zu einer perfekten Belohnung nach dem Training oder als beruhigendes Mittel nach einem langen Tag macht, um die Schlafgesundheit zu verbessern .

Angereichert mit natürlichen ätherischen Lavendel- und Pfefferminzölen sowie Kamillenblüten bietet dieses CBD-Badebad ein aromatisches Erlebnis, das so wohltuend ist wie eine warme Umarmung. Der Duft erfüllt die Luft und flüstert ein Versprechen von Gelassenheit und Entspannung, während Sie in das beruhigende Wasser eintauchen.

Das Calming Botanical CBD Bath Soak kann direkt in Ihr Badewasser gegeben oder mit dem mitgelieferten wiederverwendbaren Teebeutel für ein individuelleres Badeerlebnis verwendet werden. Für welche Art der Anwendung Sie sich auch entscheiden, eines ist sicher: Dieses Produkt verwandelt die Badezeit in ein beruhigendes Ritual, bei dem Sie sich verjüngt fühlen und bereit sind, alles in Angriff zu nehmen.

Dieses CBD-Badebad eignet sich ideal als aufmerksames Geschenk oder als Teil Ihrer persönlichen Wellness-Routine und bietet mehr als nur reine Haut – es bietet einen Zufluchtsort, in dem Stress dahinschmilzt und Gelassenheit einkehrt. Erleben Sie noch heute die Magie der CBD-Badebomben mit dem Calming Botanical CBD Bath Soak und lassen Sie Ihre Sorgen verschwinden.


Geben Sie 2-3 Esslöffel in ein heißes Bad, bevor Sie mit dem Baden beginnen. Um die Blüte vom Wasser fernzuhalten, können Sie sie auch in den mitgelieferten Teebeutel geben, um die Reinigung zu erleichtern! 

Nur zur äußerlichen, topischen Anwendung. Sie können eine kleine Menge auf die betroffene Stelle auftragen und sanft in kreisenden Bewegungen verreiben, um ein massierendes Peeling zu erzielen oder um im Bad eine gezielte Linderung zu erzielen.

Kühl und trocken lagern. Berühren Sie nach dem Umgang mit den Salzen nicht Ihre Augen, waschen Sie sich nach dem direkten Anfassen gründlich die Hände. 


Bei Kontakt mit den Augen oder Hautreizungen spülen. Dieses Produkt ist nicht zur Diagnose, Behandlung, Heilung oder Vorbeugung von Krankheiten bestimmt. Bitte testen Sie es vor der vollständigen Anwendung auf einer kleinen Hautstelle.


Salze aus dem Toten Meer, rosa Himalaya-Salze, getrocknete Kamillenblüten, Polysorbat 80, Vollspektrum-CBD-Öl, ätherisches Lavendelöl, ätherisches Pfefferminzöl, Vitamin E-Suspension in MANDELÖL .


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Are you really 'turning off' when you try? When was the last time you felt your shoulders truly drop, took that deep breath in and let calm soak over you? 

We've got you covered with premium ingredients and formulations, you just do you!


The BEST extract money can buy.

We know how vital it is to start with a rich profile of cannabinoids that will remain consistent whether you buy these salts from us today, or in three years time.

Quality and consistency are key!

Using a quality extract makes all of the difference when it comes to formulating CBD products. Experience the difference this can make today!


Only richest blend of internationally renowned salts would do

Although we could use regular cheap epsom salts as is often found in cbd bath salts, we wanted to ensure optimal benefits by using the finest ingredients nature had to offer.

We settled on this rich blend of Black Hawaiian Lava, Pink Himalayan and Dead Sea Salts for the ultimate soothing soak. 


Perfecting the water solubility of our extract

CBD has been seen in every bath product you can imagine, however simply adding CBD to water isn't enough. It's surprising how often this is overlooked by other companies, and to us, that isn't good enough. 

We set out to create a product that simply works as effectively as possible. In order to optimise the absorption of our Full Spectrum CBD extract, we have not only blended it with Vitamin E, but made this elixir water soluble for full body absorption whilst you soak in the bath! 


A natural blend that inspires, soothes and calms.

Our blend of natural essential oils have been choosen for their soothing properties as well as a pairing with terpenes typically found in popular medical cannabis strains.

Using Eucalyptus, Thyme and Lemon Verbena, we have created a beautiful bouquette that serves to cool and soothe whilst complimenting any of our products you choose to use alongside it. 

Indulge in a moment of pure tranquillity with this premium Calming Botanical CBD Bath Soak, blended with an exquisite elixir that speaks to your soul.

Designed for those moments when life's challenges seem overwhelming, this premium blend of natural ingredients is your ally, offering an escape into a world of pure relaxation and rejuvenation.

Brimming with the therapeutic benefits of Pink Himalayan and Dead Sea salts, the Calming Botanical CBD Bath Soak is more than just a lavish bath addition. It is an immersive experience that nourishes your skin, relaxes the body, and soothes the soul.

Each grain of salt carries with it the essence of tranquillity, transforming your everyday bath into an extraordinary oasis of calm.

The true magic lies within its unique blend of water-soluble Full Spectrum CBD. This potent ingredient works harmoniously with the salts, offering you not just a simple soak but a holistic CBD self-care ritual. A soak in a hot bath helps ease muscle tension and promotes recovery, making it a perfect post-workout treat or a soothing remedy after a long day to help improve sleep health.


Image above is a close up of the salt blend in our single serving option which can be purchased HERE. The image above is to showcase the blend, however this is the product page for the larger 500mg tin. 

Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I use CBD Bath Salts?

The Calming Botanical CBD Bath Soak can be added directly to your bathwater or used with the included reusable tea bag for a more personalised bathing experience. Whichever way you choose to use it, one thing is certain - this product transforms bath time into a calming ritual that leaves you feeling rejuvenated and ready to tackle anything.

Ideal as a thoughtful gift or as part of your personal wellness routine, this CBD Bath Soak offers more than just clean skin - it provides a sanctuary where stress melts away and serenity takes its place. Experience the magic of CBD Bath Bombs today with the Calming Botanical CBD Bath Soak and let your worries float away.

We recommend between 5-10 baths using these salts, so simply place a couple of table spoons into hot running water near the end of your bath being filled and enjoy your bath as you usually would. 

If you've had a particularly hard week, there's no harm in added a quarter or a half of the tin, we just like to make things a bit more economical where possible! 


What do CBD Muscle Soak Bath Salts compare to?

We have crafted this botanical CBD Bath Soak to work alongside products such as our Calm Stick CBD Roll on, Infusions CBD Oil Drops or our range of CBD Massage products for the ultimate relaxation experience. 

This means it can be used equally as a pampering product, as much as a serious tool for tackling more chronic issues. 

Using real essential oils we have a focus on utilising natures finest ingredients to support our wellness routines. Rest assured that this formulations focus and priority is you. 

For opitmal results, apply the Calm Stick 15 minutes before your bath, or follow your soak up with a CBD Massage as the perfect way to level up your relief whilst also nourishing and locking in moisture! 

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Whats in them? 

As with all of our products we have a focus on quality, traceable natural ingredients, and this product is no different with 100% naturally sourced ingredients.  

Usage: Add 2-3 tablespoons worth to a hot bath before your usual bath routine, or to keep the flower out of the water you can place this in the provided tea bag for easier clean up! For external, topical use only. You can apply a small amount to affected area and gently rub in a circular motion as a massaging exfoliant as well as for targeted relief whilst in the bath.Store in a cool, dry place. Do not touch your eyes after handling the salts, wash hands thoroughly after holding directly.

Precautions: Rinse in case of contact with eyes or skin irritation. This product is not designed to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Please test on a small area of skin before full application.

Ingredients: Dead Sea Salts, Himalayan Pink Salts, Dried Chamomile Flower, Polysorbate 80, Full Spectrum CBD Oil, Lavender Essential Oil, Peppermint Essential Oil, Vitamin E suspension in ALMOND oil.

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We've been around  in this industry since 2018 with Infinity CBD being launched at the beginning of 2019. We've stood the test of time and compliance and deliver consistent products! 

Stress-Free Experience | Our customers understand that our core focus is peace of mind, and transparency. We are a small company all told, but we still strive to deliver a solid customer experience and deliveries within a timely manner. On top of this, we automatically apply rewards points from your very first purchase to help with costs in the future!  

Customer Orientated Experience. From our price points and permenant multibuy deals to help with costs up to the consistency in the product you're receiving. We understand what it's like to be a customer in this industry as we are one! We have been using CBD daily for over 6 years, and know how important trust in the product and company is. We strive to show you the processes we use, the traceability and quality of our products as well as who we are as we have nothing to hide! 

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