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Profwch y goddefgarwch eithaf mewn hunanofal gyda'r Halen Bath Dadwenwyno Cyhyrau CBD hyn. Mae'r cyfuniad premiwm hwn o gynhwysion naturiol yn fwy na chynnyrch bath yn unig; mae'n elixir adfywiol i'ch croen , yn falm lleddfol i'ch corff , yn debyg i baned cynnes o de ysgogol i'r enaid .

Mae ein fformiwleiddiad unigryw yn priodi priodweddau iachau Halen Môr Lafa Du Hawaiaidd , halwynau Himalayaidd Pinc a Môr Marw , gan greu mwydo dadwenwyno heb ei ail . Mae pob gronyn o halen yn gweithio i leddfu cyhyrau blinedig a maethu'ch croen , tra bod yr halen lafa Hawaiaidd sydd wedi'i drwytho â charbon yn gadael eich croen yn teimlo'n fywiog ac wedi'i adnewyddu .

Ond yr hyn sy'n gwneud y cynnyrch hwn yn wirioneddol ryfeddol yw ein cyfuniad arferol o CBD Sbectrwm Llawn sy'n hydoddi mewn dŵr gan sicrhau ei fod yn amsugno'n gyfartal ar hyd a lled eich corff. Yn wahanol i gynhyrchion bath CBD eraill sy'n gadael y CBD yn arnofio ar ben y dŵr. Gyda 500mg o CBD wedi'i bacio i mewn i bob tun, mae'r Muscle Soak hwn yn gweithio rhyfeddodau wrth gynorthwyo adferiad a lleihau llid gyda hyd at 10 socian fesul cynnyrch !. Mae'r olewau hanfodol oeri a ychwanegir at y cyfuniad yn gwella nid yn unig ei effeithiau therapiwtig ond hefyd ei apêl synhwyraidd, gan wneud pob bath yn brofiad gwirioneddol ymgolli wrth i'r aroglau greu argraff ar y synhwyrau.

Mae'r Halenau Bath CBD hyn yn addo profiad heb ei ail o dawelwch ac adnewyddiad. Ar ôl socian yn y cyfuniad moethus hwn, byddwch yn dod i'r amlwg yn barod i fynd i'r afael ag unrhyw beth y mae bywyd yn ei daflu atoch.

Rhowch yr ychwanegiad perffaith hwn at unrhyw drefn hunanofal yn anrheg i chi'ch hun neu rywun annwyl. Cynyddwch eich profiad ymdrochi gyda'n Halenau Bath Dadwenwyno Moddiad Cyhyrau CBD - yr epitome o foethusrwydd yn hunanofal CBD.

Gadewch i bob bath fod yn wahoddiad i adnewyddu, adfer ac adnewyddu gyda'n Halenau Bath CBD. Nid cynnyrch arall yn unig yw hwn; mae'n anrheg ymlacio a llonyddwch wedi'i lapio mewn potel!

Mae'r cynnyrch hwn yn gweithio'n wych o'i gyfuno â'r Muscle Salve unwaith y bydd wedi'i sychu i gael y canlyniadau gorau posibl!


Ychwanegwch werth 2-3 llwy fwrdd i faddon poeth a chymerwch socian lleddfol!

Ar gyfer defnydd allanol, amserol yn unig. Gallwch roi ychydig bach ar yr ardal yr effeithiwyd arni a rhwbio mewn mudiant cylchol yn ysgafn fel exfoliant tylino yn ogystal ag ar gyfer rhyddhad wedi'i dargedu tra yn y bath.

Storio mewn lle oer, sych. Peidiwch â chyffwrdd â'ch llygaid ar ôl trin yr halwynau, golchwch eich dwylo'n drylwyr ar ôl dal yn uniongyrchol. 


Rinsiwch rhag ofn y byddwch yn dod i gysylltiad â llygaid neu lid y croen. Nid yw'r cynnyrch hwn wedi'i gynllunio i wneud diagnosis, trin, gwella neu atal afiechyd. Profwch ar ddarn bach o'r croen cyn ei gymhwyso'n llawn.


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We don't release our products until we know they work effectively. These CBD Bath Salts have been in the making for over 3 years...


The BEST extract money can buy.

We know how vital it is to start with a rich profile of cannabinoids that will remain consistent whether you buy these salts from us today, or in three years time.

Quality and consistency are key!

Using a quality extract makes all of the difference when it comes to formulating CBD products. Experience the difference this can make today!


Only richest blend of internationally renowned salts would do

Although we could use regular cheap epsom salts as is often found in cbd bath salts, we wanted to ensure optimal benefits by using the finest ingredients nature had to offer.

We settled on this rich blend of Black Hawaiian Lava, Pink Himalayan and Dead Sea Salts for the ultimate soothing soak. 


Perfecting the water solubility of our extract

CBD has been seen in every bath product you can imagine, however simply adding CBD to water isn't enough. It's surprising how often this is overlooked by other companies, and to us, that isn't good enough. 

We set out to create a product that simply works as effectively as possible. In order to optimise the absorption of our Full Spectrum CBD extract, we have not only blended it with Vitamin E, but made this elixir water soluble for full body absorption whilst you soak in the bath! 


A natural blend that inspires, soothes and calms.

Our blend of natural essential oils have been choosen for their soothing properties as well as a pairing with terpenes typically found in popular medical cannabis strains.

Using Eucalyptus, Thyme and Lemon Verbena, we have created a beautiful bouquette that serves to cool and soothe whilst complimenting any of our products you choose to use alongside it. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Best CBD Muscle Soak Bath Salts UK

How do I use CBD Bath Salts?

There's nothing too complicated about these, so fear not! 

When applying CBD topically, you needn't be as strict when measuring dosage. So you won't accidentally 'over do it' and turn into a bath slug trying to crawl back out don't worry! 

We recommend between 5-10 baths using these salts, so simply place a couple of table spoons into hot running water near the end of your bath being filled and enjoy your bath as you usually would. 

If you've had a particularly hard week, there's no harm in added a quarter or a half of the tin, we just like to make things a bit more economical where possible! 

Best CBD Muscle Soak Bath Salts UK

What do CBD Muscle Soak Bath Salts compare to?

We have crafted this CBD Muscle Soak to work alongside products such as our CBD Muscle Salve. 

This means it can be used equally as a pampering product, as much as a serious tool for tackling more chronic issues. 

With a similar sent profile, we focused on light, freshreshing and cooling essential oils to aid in the process both topically and in terms of immersing the senses. 

For opitmal results, applying the muscle salve after using the Muslce Soak is the perfect way to level up your relief whilst also nourishing and locking in moisture! 


Whats in them? 

As with all of our products we have a focus on quality, traceable natural ingredients, and this product is no different with 100% naturally sourced ingredients.  

CBD Muscle Soak Ingredients:

Dead Sea Salts
Himalayan Sea Salts
Hawaiian Black Lava Salts
Full Spectrum CBD Oil
Vitamin E
Polysorbate 80
Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Lemon Verbena Essential Oil
Thyme Essential Oil

ALMOND (Vitamin E Carrier)

Why Do Customers Trust Us?

We've been around  in this industry since 2018 with Infinity CBD being launched at the beginning of 2019. We've stood the test of time and compliance and deliver consistent products! 

Stress-Free Experience | Our customers understand that our core focus is peace of mind, and transparency. We are a small company all told, but we still strive to deliver a solid customer experience and deliveries within a timely manner. On top of this, we automatically apply rewards points from your very first purchase to help with costs in the future!  

Customer Orientated Experience. From our price points and permenant multibuy deals to help with costs up to the consistency in the product you're receiving. We understand what it's like to be a customer in this industry as we are one! We have been using CBD daily for over 6 years, and know how important trust in the product and company is. We strive to show you the processes we use, the traceability and quality of our products as well as who we are as we have nothing to hide! 


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