Industry insight and legal reflection
Microdosing in the UK and can you Microdose CBD?

Most days we'll have emails or messages asking us all sorts of questions regarding CBD, medical cannabis and a wide range of other topics. It goes without saying we're not lawyers, nor should we be providing legal advice for anything. However, we do have insight into the way that the law and compliance works with regards to CBD and other cannabinoids. So can offer insight into these.
Having said that, recently the rise in microdosing Psilocybin has become very popular, and as such as we have started getting messages about this as well. The long and short of it is simple, it's illegal here in the UK, and as such we do no sell any, nor promote any illegal activity relating to it. We appreciate many people will do their own thing, and power to them. But our focus here is CBD and the legal medical cannabis industry.
But what is Microdosing and can you microdose CBD?
Meaning: Though Microdosing often refers to the use of controlled small doses of magic mushrooms or LSD, the term itself simply means to take a small controlled dose of a substance lower than the typically adminstered amount. So in essence you can microdose CBD, calpol or even yakult if you're so inclined. So it can get complicated at times when talking about microdosing. As in many ways, a lot of our customers who use lower strength CBD drops could technically be deemed as microdosing.
Context. The rise in popularity relating to microdosing mushrooms is due to studies being carried out in the UK and the US relating to its use for neuroplastiscity and treating PTSD, Depression and other things. Studies are ungoing, and we are in no way trying to infer and implications of its use here. But simply presenting the information.
Commerce. We started this business with the core ethos of being a fully legal and compliant business, not just for our own longevity but because we want peace of mind for our customers. That's why we do not sell any illegal substances such as microdosing mushroom kits. However should you be looking into microdosing CBD then we have a wide range of drops that can enable you to dial in a precise dose to fit your needs.
Will microdosing become legal in the UK?
It doesn't take long to find a tonne of content relating to this topic, and we would urge you to explore this and draw your own conclusions.
We haven't got our finger on the pulse in terms of this sides of things so are purely taking a guess here. From what we do know, the results seems promising and have personally spoken to people who have found these treatments very effective. However, we have also spoken to people who have had very intense experiences too. These types of things aren't to be messed around with, and we can understand why it would be something that is hard to regulate.
There are however states in the US who are approaching this in a responsible way. As with most things of this nature, we believe education to be key and to try and address any cultural misunderstandings there may be about these treatments.
Though we are UK based, we do have a wide reach with our readers finding us internationally. So if you are from a legal state in the US you can always checkout retailers such as Olofly.
Mental health and microdosing CBD.
It's no secret that mental health is one of the main reasons people look into CBD. Though we cannot discuss medical claims relating to this, there are a wide range of studies and real world reviews out there to make informed decisions.
When it comes to microdosing CBD we find consistency is key. We would always rather a customer start small and build up to the right dosage for them. In our experience, this often means the customer finds a much lower dose than they'd originally have thought. It's about building up that baseline and building it in as part of your new daily routine.
This not only gets you dialled in with a precise dose, but also helps keep it more cost efficient, which let's be honest, we could all do with right now.
So what is a 'microdose of CBD'?
Typically most people will use a dose between 10mg - 30mg when using CBD. However people use CBD for a wide range of reasons, so a lot of these doses would be for more chronic conditions. Those wanting to find a bit more balance day to day may find doses as low as 2-5mg perfect for them. You may not notice anything the first 2-4 days until it builds up. Which is why we recommend waiting at least 7 -10 days with this routine until any adjustments.

Microdosing in the UK the law.
As above, microdosing illegal substances is never a good idea. Whether the substance itself can be proven to be safe in a microdose in studies, with an illegal supplychain there is absolutely no certanties and your health is more important than anything.
Even in legal states there are still issues with synthetic compounds being used instead of the real deal and we can all react very diferently to these.
So regardless of our advice being to be legal no matter what, beyond that no matter what you do make sure you are being safe.
Article credit: Heidi Cohen (